2 Grid-base processing framework of TransBigData

This notebook will introduce the core functions embedded in the Transbigdata package

import transbigdata as tbd
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pprint
import random
# this is a shp file, the sample area is part of Jiading district, Shanghai, China
jiading_polygon = gpd.read_file(r'data/jiading_polygon/jiading_polygon.shp')
id geometry
0 1 POLYGON ((121.22538 31.35142, 121.22566 31.350...
jiading_rec_bound = [121.1318, 31.2484, 121.2553, 31.3535]

fig = plt.figure(1, (6, 6), dpi=100)
ax = plt.subplot(111)
tbd.plot_map(plt, bounds=jiading_rec_bound, zoom=13, style=2)

jiading_polygon.plot(ax=ax, alpha=0.5)

transbigdata.area_to_grid(location, accuracy=500, method=’rect’, params=’auto’)

# generate the default grid
grid_rec, params_rec = tbd.area_to_grid(jiading_polygon)
{'deltalat': 0.004496605206422906,
 'deltalon': 0.005262604989003139,
 'gridsize': 500,
 'method': 'rect',
 'slat': 31.25168182840957,
 'slon': 121.13797109957756,
 'theta': 0}
171 9 0 POLYGON ((121.18270 31.24943, 121.18797 31.249...
174 10 0 POLYGON ((121.18797 31.24943, 121.19323 31.249...
177 11 0 POLYGON ((121.19323 31.24943, 121.19849 31.249...
180 12 0 POLYGON ((121.19849 31.24943, 121.20375 31.249...
183 13 0 POLYGON ((121.20375 31.24943, 121.20902 31.249...
# generate triangle grid
grid_tri, params_tri = tbd.area_to_grid(jiading_polygon, method='tri')  # to do: bug need to be fixed here
{'deltalat': 0.004496605206422906,
 'deltalon': 0.005262604989003139,
 'gridsize': 500,
 'method': 'tri',
 'slat': 31.25168182840957,
 'slon': 121.13797109957756,
 'theta': 0}
loncol_1 loncol_2 loncol_3 geometry
22 6 2 -5 POLYGON ((121.17481 31.25947, 121.16955 31.256...
24 7 2 -5 POLYGON ((121.17481 31.25428, 121.18007 31.256...
27 8 3 -5 POLYGON ((121.18007 31.25168, 121.18533 31.254...
28 8 3 -6 POLYGON ((121.18533 31.25947, 121.18007 31.256...
30 9 3 -6 POLYGON ((121.18533 31.25428, 121.19060 31.256...
# Visualization
fig = plt.figure(1, (12, 8), dpi=200)
ax1 = plt.subplot(121)
tbd.plot_map(plt, bounds=jiading_rec_bound, zoom=13, style=2)
grid_rec.plot(ax=ax1, lw=0.2, edgecolor='blue', facecolor="None")


ax2 = plt.subplot(122)
tbd.plot_map(plt, bounds=jiading_rec_bound, zoom=13, style=2)
grid_tri.plot(ax=ax2, lw=0.2, edgecolor='blue', facecolor="None")


transbigdata.area_to_params(location, accuracy=500, method=’rect’)

Sometime, due to data sparisity, we do not need to generate all the grids. In such case, we can use transbigdata.area_to_params.

This method only creat a dictionary file for the grid, thus is much faster.

params = tbd.area_to_params(jiading_polygon)
{'deltalat': 0.004496605206422906,
 'deltalon': 0.005262604989003139,
 'gridsize': 500,
 'method': 'rect',
 'slat': 31.25168182840957,
 'slon': 121.13797109957756,
 'theta': 0}

transbigdata.GPS_to_grid(lon, lat, params)

The next common step is to know which grid does each trajectory point belong to.

# First, we generate some random GPS points (20 points in this case)

lon_list, lat_list = [], []
for i in range(20):
    gps_lon = random.uniform(jiading_rec_bound[0], jiading_rec_bound[2])
    gps_lat = random.uniform(jiading_rec_bound[1], jiading_rec_bound[3])

gps_random = pd.DataFrame({'veh_id': range(20),
                           'lon': lon_list,
                           'lat': lat_list,

veh_id lon lat
0 0 121.204726 31.266296
1 1 121.168077 31.326952
2 2 121.142706 31.315498
3 3 121.215899 31.339561
4 4 121.217937 31.269540
# match each point to the rect grid
gps_random['LonCol'], gps_random['LatCol'] = tbd.GPS_to_grid(gps_random['lon'], gps_random['lat'], params_rec)

veh_id lon lat LonCol LatCol
0 0 121.204726 31.266296 13 3
1 1 121.168077 31.326952 6 17
2 2 121.142706 31.315498 1 14
3 3 121.215899 31.339561 15 20
4 4 121.217937 31.269540 15 4

transbigdata.grid_to_centre(gridid, params)

The center location of each grid can acquired using transbigdata.grid_to_centre

# Use the matched grid as example
gps_random['LonGridCenter'], gps_random['LatGridCenter'] = \
tbd.grid_to_centre([gps_random['LonCol'], gps_random['LatCol']], params_rec)

# check the matched results
veh_id lon lat LonCol LatCol LonGridCenter LatGridCenter
0 0 121.204726 31.266296 13 3 121.206385 31.265172
1 1 121.168077 31.326952 6 17 121.169547 31.328124
2 2 121.142706 31.315498 1 14 121.143234 31.314634
3 3 121.215899 31.339561 15 20 121.216910 31.341614
4 4 121.217937 31.269540 15 4 121.216910 31.269668

transbigdata.grid_to_polygon(gridid, params)

For visualization convenience, grid parameters can be transformed into geometry format

# Use the matched grid as example again
gps_random['grid_geo_polygon'] = tbd.grid_to_polygon([gps_random['LonCol'], gps_random['LatCol']], params_rec)

# check the matched results
veh_id lon lat LonCol LatCol LonGridCenter LatGridCenter grid_geo_polygon
0 0 121.204726 31.266296 13 3 121.206385 31.265172 POLYGON ((121.2037536619401 31.262923341425626...
1 1 121.168077 31.326952 6 17 121.169547 31.328124 POLYGON ((121.16691542701707 31.32587581431555...
2 2 121.142706 31.315498 1 14 121.143234 31.314634 POLYGON ((121.14060240207206 31.31238599869628...
3 3 121.215899 31.339561 15 20 121.216910 31.341614 POLYGON ((121.2142788719181 31.339365629934818...
4 4 121.217937 31.269540 15 4 121.216910 31.269668 POLYGON ((121.2142788719181 31.26741994663205,...

transbigdata.grid_to_area(data, shape, params, col=[‘LONCOL’, ‘LATCOL’])

In addition to grid, there might be several districts. transbigdata.grid_to_area can be used to match the information.

In this case, there are only one district in jiading_polygon, the matched column is id.

gps_matched = tbd.grid_to_area(gps_random, jiading_polygon, params_rec, col=['LonCol', 'LatCol'])

# check the matched results
/Applications/anaconda3/envs/tbd/lib/python3.9/site-packages/transbigdata/grids.py:421: UserWarning: CRS mismatch between the CRS of left geometries and the CRS of right geometries.
Use `to_crs()` to reproject one of the input geometries to match the CRS of the other.

Left CRS: None
Right CRS: EPSG:4326

  data1 = gpd.sjoin(data1, shape)
veh_id lon lat LonCol LatCol LonGridCenter LatGridCenter grid_geo_polygon geometry index_right id
0 0 121.204726 31.266296 13 3 121.206385 31.265172 POLYGON ((121.2037536619401 31.262923341425626... POINT (121.20638 31.26517) 0 1
1 1 121.168077 31.326952 6 17 121.169547 31.328124 POLYGON ((121.16691542701707 31.32587581431555... POINT (121.16955 31.32812) 0 1
2 2 121.142706 31.315498 1 14 121.143234 31.314634 POLYGON ((121.14060240207206 31.31238599869628... POINT (121.14323 31.31463) 0 1
3 3 121.215899 31.339561 15 20 121.216910 31.341614 POLYGON ((121.2142788719181 31.339365629934818... POINT (121.21691 31.34161) 0 1
4 4 121.217937 31.269540 15 4 121.216910 31.269668 POLYGON ((121.2142788719181 31.26741994663205,... POINT (121.21691 31.26967) 0 1


A useful tool to get grid params from grid geometry

# this is the formal grid geometry
171 9 0 POLYGON ((121.18270 31.24943, 121.18797 31.249...
174 10 0 POLYGON ((121.18797 31.24943, 121.19323 31.249...
177 11 0 POLYGON ((121.19323 31.24943, 121.19849 31.249...
180 12 0 POLYGON ((121.19849 31.24943, 121.20375 31.249...
183 13 0 POLYGON ((121.20375 31.24943, 121.20902 31.249...
{'slon': 121.13797109957761,
 'slat': 31.25168182840957,
 'deltalon': 0.005262604988999442,
 'deltalat': 0.0044966052064197015,
 'theta': 0,
 'method': 'rect'}

transbigdata.grid_params_optimize(data, initialparams, col=[‘uid’, ‘lon’, ‘lat’], optmethod=’centerdist’, printlog=False, sample=0)

Offers several methods to optimize the grids

This method relies on the scikit-opt package. To do so, please run following code in cmd:

pip install scikit-opt

For more details of this method, please refer to this notebook.

# we use the random generated data again
veh_id lon lat LonCol LatCol LonGridCenter LatGridCenter grid_geo_polygon
0 0 121.204726 31.266296 13 3 121.206385 31.265172 POLYGON ((121.2037536619401 31.262923341425626...
1 1 121.168077 31.326952 6 17 121.169547 31.328124 POLYGON ((121.16691542701707 31.32587581431555...
2 2 121.142706 31.315498 1 14 121.143234 31.314634 POLYGON ((121.14060240207206 31.31238599869628...
3 3 121.215899 31.339561 15 20 121.216910 31.341614 POLYGON ((121.2142788719181 31.339365629934818...
4 4 121.217937 31.269540 15 4 121.216910 31.269668 POLYGON ((121.2142788719181 31.26741994663205,...
tbd.grid_params_optimize(gps_random, params_rec, col=['veh_id', 'lon', 'lat'],printlog=True)
Optimized index centerdist: 116.11243965546235
Optimized gridding params: {'slon': 121.14169760115118, 'slat': 31.252579076220087, 'deltalon': 0.005262604989003139, 'deltalat': 0.004496605206422906, 'theta': 50.91831009508256, 'method': 'rect'}
Optimizing cost:
{'slon': 121.14169760115118,
 'slat': 31.252579076220087,
 'deltalon': 0.005262604989003139,
 'deltalat': 0.004496605206422906,
 'theta': 50.91831009508256,
 'method': 'rect'}