Bike-sharing data processing

bikedata_to_od(data[, col, startend])

Input bike-sharing order data (with data only generated when the lock is switched on and off), specify the column name, and extract the ride and parking information from it

transbigdata.bikedata_to_od(data, col=['BIKE_ID', 'DATA_TIME', 'LONGITUDE', 'LATITUDE', 'LOCK_STATUS'], startend=None)

Input bike-sharing order data (with data only generated when the lock is switched on and off), specify the column name, and extract the ride and parking information from it

  • data (DataFrame) – Bike-sharing order data

  • col (List) – Column names, the order cannot be changed.[‘BIKE_ID’, ’DATA_TIME’,’LONGITUDE’,’LATITUDE’,’LOCK_STATUS’]

  • startend (List) – The start time and end time of the observation period, for example [‘2018-08-27 00:00:00’,’2018-08-28 00:00:00’]. If it is passed in, the riding and parking situations (from the beginning of the observation period to the first appearance of the bicycle) and (from the last appearance of the bicycle to the end of the observation period) are considered.


  • move_data (DataFrame) – Riding data

  • stop_data (DataFrame) – Parking data