Data Acquisition
Obtain the geographic information of the bus station and bus line from the map service (Only in China) |
Input the keyword and the Amap ak. |
Obtain the isochrone from Amap reachcricle |
Obtain the isochrone from mapbox isochrone |
- transbigdata.getbusdata(city, keywords, accurate=True, timeout=20)
Obtain the geographic information of the bus station and bus line from the map service (Only in China)
- Parameters:
city (str) – city name
keywords (list) – Keyword, the line name
accurate (bool) – Accurate matching
timeout (number) – Timeout of data fetching
- Returns:
data (GeoDataFrame) – The generated bus line(WGS84)
stop (GeoDataFrame) – The generated bus station(WGS84)
- transbigdata.getadmin(keyword, ak, jscode='', subdistricts=False, timeout=20)
Input the keyword and the Amap ak. The output is the GIS file of the administrative boundary (Only in China)
- Parameters:
keywords (str) – The keyword. It might be the city name such as Shengzheng, or the administrative code such as 440500
ak (str) – Amap accesstoken
jscode (jscode) – Amap safty code
subdistricts (bool) – Whether to output the information of the administrative district boundary
timeout (number) – Timeout of data fetching
- Returns:
admin (GeoDataFrame) – Administrative district(WGS84)
districts (DataFrame) – The information of subdistricts. This can be used to further get the boundary of lower level districts
- transbigdata.get_isochrone_amap(lon, lat, reachtime, ak, jscode='', mode=2, timeout=20)
Obtain the isochrone from Amap reachcricle
- Parameters:
lon (float) – Longitude of the start point(WGS84)
lat (float) – Latitude of the start point(WGS84)
reachtime (number) – Reachtime of the isochrone
ak (str) – Amap access token
jscode (jscode) – Amap safty code
mode (int or str) – Travel mode, should be 0(bus), 1(subway), 2(bus+subway)
timeout (number) – Timeout of data fetching
- Returns:
isochrone – The isochrone GeoDataFrame(WGS84)
- Return type:
- transbigdata.get_isochrone_mapbox(lon, lat, reachtime, access_token='auto', mode='driving', timeout=20)
Obtain the isochrone from mapbox isochrone
- Parameters:
lon (float) – Longitude of the start point(WGS84)
lat (float) – Latitude of the start point(WGS84)
reachtime (number) – Reachtime of the isochrone
access_token (str) – Mapbox access token, if auto it will use the preset access token
mode (bool) – Travel mode, should be driving, walking or cycling
timeout (number) – Timeout of data fetching
- Returns:
isochrone – The isochrone GeoDataFrame(WGS84)
- Return type: