8 Community detection for bicycle-sharing demand

For bicycle sharing demand, each trip of can be seen as a process from the starting loaction to the end loaction. When we regard the start point and the end point as nodes, and the travel between them as edges, a network can be constructed. By analysing this network, we can get information about the spatial connection structure of the city or the macro travel characteristics of the bicycle sharing demand.

Community detection, also called graph partition, helps us to reveal the hidden relations among the nodes in the network. In this example, we will introduce how to integrate TransBigData into the analysis process of community detection from bicycle-sharing data.

To run this example, you may have to install igraph and seaborn:

pip install igraph
pip install seaborn

Data preprocessing

# Fristly, import packages.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import transbigdata as tbd
#Read bicycle sharing data
bikedata = pd.read_csv(r'data/bikedata-sample.csv')
0 5 2018-09-01 0:00:36 1 121.363566 31.259615
1 6 2018-09-01 0:00:50 0 121.406226 31.214436
2 6 2018-09-01 0:03:01 1 121.409402 31.215259
3 6 2018-09-01 0:24:53 0 121.409228 31.214427
4 6 2018-09-01 0:26:38 1 121.409771 31.214406
#Read the polygon of the study area
shanghai_admin = gpd.read_file(r'data/shanghai.json')
#delete the data outside of the study area
bikedata = tbd.clean_outofshape(bikedata, shanghai_admin, col=['LONGITUDE', 'LATITUDE'], accuracy=500)

Identify Bicycle sharing trip information using tbd.bikedata_to_od

move_data,stop_data = tbd.bikedata_to_od(bikedata,
                   col = ['BIKE_ID','DATA_TIME','LONGITUDE','LATITUDE','LOCK_STATUS'])
BIKE_ID stime slon slat etime elon elat
96 6 2018-09-01 0:00:50 121.406226 31.214436 2018-09-01 0:03:01 121.409402 31.215259
561 6 2018-09-01 0:24:53 121.409228 31.214427 2018-09-01 0:26:38 121.409771 31.214406
564 6 2018-09-01 0:50:16 121.409727 31.214403 2018-09-01 0:52:14 121.412610 31.214905
784 6 2018-09-01 0:53:38 121.413333 31.214951 2018-09-01 0:55:38 121.412656 31.217051
1028 6 2018-09-01 11:35:01 121.419261 31.213414 2018-09-01 11:35:13 121.419518 31.213657
#Calculate the travel distance
move_data['distance'] = tbd.getdistance(move_data['slon'],move_data['slat'],move_data['elon'],move_data['elat'])
#Remove too long and too short trips
move_data = move_data[(move_data['distance']>100)&(move_data['distance']<10000)]

Perform data gridding:

#obtain gridding params
bounds = (120.85, 30.67, 122.24, 31.87)
params = tbd.grid_params(bounds,accuracy = 500)
#aggregate the travel informations
od_gdf = tbd.odagg_grid(move_data, params, col=['slon', 'slat', 'elon', 'elat'])
/opt/anaconda3/envs/transbigdata/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/core/dtypes/cast.py:122: ShapelyDeprecationWarning: The array interface is deprecated and will no longer work in Shapely 2.0. Convert the '.coords' to a numpy array instead.
  arr = construct_1d_object_array_from_listlike(values)
0 26 95 26 96 1 120.986782 31.097177 120.986782 31.101674 LINESTRING (120.98678 31.09718, 120.98678 31.1...
40803 117 129 116 127 1 121.465519 31.250062 121.460258 31.241069 LINESTRING (121.46552 31.25006, 121.46026 31.2...
40807 117 129 117 128 1 121.465519 31.250062 121.465519 31.245565 LINESTRING (121.46552 31.25006, 121.46552 31.2...
40810 117 129 117 131 1 121.465519 31.250062 121.465519 31.259055 LINESTRING (121.46552 31.25006, 121.46552 31.2...
40811 117 129 118 126 1 121.465519 31.250062 121.470780 31.236572 LINESTRING (121.46552 31.25006, 121.47078 31.2...

Visualize the OD data

#Create figure
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig =plt.figure(1,(8,8),dpi=300)
ax =plt.subplot(111)

#Load basemap
tbd.plot_map(plt,bounds,zoom = 11,style = 8)

#Create colorbar
cax = plt.axes([0.05, 0.33, 0.02, 0.3])
plt.title('Data count')

#Plot OD
od_gdf.plot(ax = ax,column = 'count',cmap = 'Blues_r',linewidth = 0.5,vmax = 10,cax = cax,legend = True)

#Plot compass and scale
tbd.plotscale(ax,bounds = bounds,textsize = 10,compasssize = 1,textcolor = 'white',accuracy = 2000,rect = [0.06,0.03],zorder = 10)

Create Network

Extract node data

Combine the LONCOL and LATCOL columns into one field and extract node set

#Combine the ``LONCOL`` and ``LATCOL`` columns into one field
od_gdf['S'] = od_gdf['SLONCOL'].astype(str) + ',' + od_gdf['SLATCOL'].astype(str)
od_gdf['E'] = od_gdf['ELONCOL'].astype(str) + ',' + od_gdf['ELATCOL'].astype(str)
#extract node set
node = set(od_gdf['S'])|set(od_gdf['E'])
node = pd.DataFrame(node)
#reindex the node
node['id'] = range(len(node))
0 id
0 164,81 0
1 71,125 1
2 102,118 2
3 125,115 3
4 143,76 4
... ... ...
9806 98,167 9806
9807 46,130 9807
9808 118,82 9808
9809 158,57 9809
9810 104,169 9810

9811 rows × 2 columns

Extract edge data

#Merge the node information to the OD data to extract edge data.
node.columns = ['S','S_id']
od_gdf = pd.merge(od_gdf,node,on = ['S'])
node.columns = ['E','E_id']
od_gdf = pd.merge(od_gdf,node,on = ['E'])
#Extract edge data
edge = od_gdf[['S_id','E_id','count']]
S_id E_id count
0 6251 4211 1
1 5879 8676 1
2 8432 8676 3
3 5511 8676 1
4 3386 8676 1
... ... ... ...
68468 5663 5835 2
68469 7738 4266 2
68470 360 8003 2
68471 6759 601 3
68472 6081 3107 3

68473 rows × 3 columns

Create Network

import igraph
#Create Network
g = igraph.Graph()
#Add node
#Add edge
#Add weight
edge_weights = edge[['count']].values
for i in range(len(edge_weights)):
    g.es[i]['weight'] = edge_weights[i]

Community detection

#Community detection
g_clustered = g.community_multilevel(weights = edge_weights, return_levels=False)
#Assign the group result to the node
node['group'] = g_clustered.membership
#rename the columns
node.columns = ['grid','node_id','group']
grid node_id group
0 164,81 0 0
1 71,125 1 1
2 102,118 2 2
3 125,115 3 3
4 143,76 4 4
... ... ... ...
9806 98,167 9806 9
9807 46,130 9807 555
9808 118,82 9808 6
9809 158,57 9809 132
9810 104,169 9810 86

9811 rows × 3 columns

Visualize the community

#Count the number of grids per community
group = node['group'].value_counts()
#Extract communities with more than 10 grids
group = group[group>10]
#Retain only these community grids
node = node[node['group'].apply(lambda r:r in group.index)]

#Get the grid number
node['LONCOL'] = node['grid'].apply(lambda r:r.split(',')[0]).astype(int)
node['LATCOL'] = node['grid'].apply(lambda r:r.split(',')[1]).astype(int)
#Generate the geometry
node['geometry'] = tbd.gridid_to_polygon(node['LONCOL'],node['LATCOL'],params)
#Change it into GeoDataFrame
import geopandas as gpd
node = gpd.GeoDataFrame(node)
/var/folders/b0/q8rx9fj965b5p7yqq8zhvdx80000gn/T/ipykernel_30130/418053260.py:9: SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  node['LONCOL'] = node['grid'].apply(lambda r:r.split(',')[0]).astype(int)
/var/folders/b0/q8rx9fj965b5p7yqq8zhvdx80000gn/T/ipykernel_30130/418053260.py:10: SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  node['LATCOL'] = node['grid'].apply(lambda r:r.split(',')[1]).astype(int)
/var/folders/b0/q8rx9fj965b5p7yqq8zhvdx80000gn/T/ipykernel_30130/418053260.py:12: SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  node['geometry'] = tbd.gridid_to_polygon(node['LONCOL'],node['LATCOL'],params)
grid node_id group LONCOL LATCOL geometry
1 71,125 1 1 71 125 POLYGON ((121.22089 31.22983, 121.22615 31.229...
2 102,118 2 2 102 118 POLYGON ((121.38398 31.19835, 121.38924 31.198...
3 125,115 3 3 125 115 POLYGON ((121.50498 31.18486, 121.51024 31.184...
4 143,76 4 4 143 76 POLYGON ((121.59967 31.00949, 121.60493 31.009...
5 142,87 5 4 142 87 POLYGON ((121.59441 31.05896, 121.59967 31.058...
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
9802 103,103 9802 8 103 103 POLYGON ((121.38924 31.13090, 121.39450 31.130...
9803 162,133 9803 28 162 133 POLYGON ((121.69963 31.26580, 121.70489 31.265...
9804 107,130 9804 41 107 130 POLYGON ((121.41028 31.25231, 121.41554 31.252...
9806 98,167 9806 9 98 167 POLYGON ((121.36293 31.41868, 121.36819 31.418...
9808 118,82 9808 6 118 82 POLYGON ((121.46815 31.03647, 121.47341 31.036...

8522 rows × 6 columns

#Use the group column to merge polygon
node_community = tbd.merge_polygon(node,'group')
#Input polygon GeoDataFrame data, take the exterior boundary of the polygon to form a new polygon
node_community = tbd.polyon_exterior(node_community,minarea = 0.000100)
/opt/anaconda3/envs/transbigdata/lib/python3.9/site-packages/transbigdata/gisprocess.py:205: ShapelyDeprecationWarning: Iteration over multi-part geometries is deprecated and will be removed in Shapely 2.0. Use the `geoms` property to access the constituent parts of a multi-part geometry.
  for i in p:
#Generate palette
import seaborn as sns
## l: Luminance
## s: Saturation
cmap = sns.hls_palette(n_colors=len(node_community), l=.7, s=0.8)
#Create figure
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig =plt.figure(1,(8,8),dpi=300)
ax =plt.subplot(111)
#Load basemap
tbd.plot_map(plt,bounds,zoom = 10,style = 6)
#Set colormap
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
#Disrupting the order of the community
node_community = node_community.sample(frac=1)
#Plot community
node_community.plot(cmap = ListedColormap(cmap),ax = ax,edgecolor = '#333',alpha = 0.8)
#Add scale
tbd.plotscale(ax,bounds = bounds,textsize = 10,compasssize = 1,textcolor = 'k'
              ,accuracy = 2000,rect = [0.06,0.03],zorder = 10)