
transbigdata.busgps_arriveinfo(data, line, stop, col=['VehicleId', 'GPSDateTime', 'lon', 'lat', 'stopname'], stopbuffer=200, mintime=300, disgap=200, project_epsg='auto', timegap=1800, projectoutput=False)

Input bus GPS data, bus route and station GeoDataFrame, this method can identify the bus arrival and departure information

  • data (DataFrame) – Bus GPS data. It should be the data from one bus route, and need to contain vehicle ID, GPS time, latitude and longitude (wgs84)

  • line (GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame for the bus line

  • stop (GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame for bus stops

  • col (List) – Column names, in the order of [vehicle ID, time, longitude, latitude, station name]

  • stopbuffer (number) – Meter. When the vehicle approaches the station within this certain distance, it is considered to be arrive at the station.

  • mintime (number) – Seconds. Within a short period of time that the bus arrive at bus station again, it will not be consider as another arrival

  • disgap (number) – Meter. The distance between the front point and the back point of the vehicle, which is used to determine whether the vehicle is moving or not

  • project_epsg (number) – The matching algorithm will convert the data into a projection coordinate system to calculate the distance, here the epsg code of the projection coordinate system is given

  • timegap (number) – Seconds. For how long the vehicle does not appear, it will be considered as a new vehicle

  • projectoutput (bool) – Whether to output the projected data


arrive_info – Bus arrival and departure information

